USA Today

Bills supporting religion-based rejection turning parents away from adoption agencies

Bills supporting religion-based rejection turning parents away from adoption agencies

Aimee Maddonna, 34, a South Carolina mother of three, was turned away by a state-funded foster care agency because she is Catholic.  

Maddonna went to Miracle Hill Ministries in Greenville, the state’s largest foster care outlet, asking to volunteer in hopes of one day becoming a foster parent. But the initial screening was cut short after she was asked the name of her church. 

Bible classes in public schools? Why Christian lawmakers are pushing a wave of new bills

Bible classes in public schools? Why Christian lawmakers are pushing a wave of new bills

A wave of “Bible literacy” bills emerging in state legislatures would allow more students in public high schools to study the Old and New Testaments. Proposals from lawmakers in at least six states would require or encourage public schools to offer elective classes on the Bible’s literary and historical significance. That’s a more narrow focus than what’s typically covered in courses on world religions.